Monday, April 12, 2010

Lettuce - Collection, Preparation of Planting Materials and Planting Method

Collection and Preparation of Planting Materials

Lettuce seedlings (var. Grand Emperor) were secured from Rosa L. Fernandez (co-learner). There were 20 polyethylene pots, measuring 150 cm in height, that were purchased from Nijosa Enterprises, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. For the plant’s growth medium, garden soil was collected within the vicinity of SUCA Farm while decayed rice straw materials were also gathered from the nearby rice field areas of SUCA Farm. The soil as well as the decayed rice straw was properly pulverized so that there would be proper aeration during the entire growing operation of lettuce plants.

Planting Method

Seedlings were transplanted in each polyethylene pots. The depth of transplanting was more or less 3 cm from the soil surface so that each roots of the seedlings were properly covered with soil and during watering operation, each seedlings would not lodge easily. Popsicle sticks were used as labeling material and were placed in each of the pots. Ten pots were filled with garden soil and other set pots were filled with decayed rice straw as the planting mediums of the lettuce plants.

There were two treatments which were replicated ten times as follows:

T1 = Plain Garden Soil (Control)

T2 = Decayed Rice Straw

Care and Maintenance of Plants

The pots were placed inside the bamboo fenced area beside the old canteen room, in order for the plants to be protected from the occurrence of any stray animals. Rice straw and rice hulls were placed within the experimental area for the weeds not to germinate and so that there would be no competition of the nutritional requirements needed by lettuce plants. Watering was done everyday or whenever necessary.

Data Gathered

The vegetative growth parameters that were acquired were as follows: (1) plant height (cm), (2) number of leaves, (3) leaf size (L x W) (cm), (4) total herbage yield (g), and (6) root length (cm).

The plant height and number of leaves were determined weekly, while the other vegetative growth parameters were noted upon harvesting time.

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